The Word of God teaches us that the family is the foundation that God has established as the basis for a stable society. That is why at Transformation Church we place great value on and seek to strengthen families. We aim to partner with parents and provide, biblically based and practical help and support, that will build strong families.
A significant contribution to this support is our Kid’s Ministry and Youth Ministry which you can find out more about under those sections. Another vital part of this support is the provision of counseling programs on parenting, family health, finances and marriage that will help build a foundation for the family that cannot not be shaken. On a practical level we believe our families provide excitement in the life of the church. We therefore make every effort to provide and participate in family events throughout the year.
Our goal is to create and facilitate an environment in the church where families feel welcome and comfortable and at home. We truly believe in the next generation. We believe God has a plan for our children and the impact that they will have on our world. Children are a blessing from God, and as parents we want to learn how to bless our children and equip them to live for God’s purposes.